BME Research Labs and Groups

The Biomedical Engineering Building has research facilities located on the second and third floors. Each floor contains three self-contained tissue culture rooms, which are each equipped with four temperature controlled water-jacketed incubators, three Biosafety cabinets, a refrigerator freezer, table top centrifuge, inverted microscope, upright microscope and water bath.

In addition, the lab is equipped with inverted and upright microscopes, a digitized fluorescence microscopy station, a fluorescence activated cell sorter, an autoclave and cryopreservation facilities. A confocal microscope, housed in the basement of the building is also available for experimental use.

The cell and tissue engineering laboratory is thus suitable for mammalian tissue culture, cell function analysis, cell separation and protein expression evaluation. The cell and tissue analysis and characterization lab contains a full complement of biochemical and molecular biological equipment including vertical and horizontal gel boxes, power supplies, a spectrophotometer, a gel imaging and analysis workstation, several microcentrifuges, a -80°C freezer and all necessary biochemicals and electrophoresis supplies needed for protein and nucleic acid separation and analysis.

This facility also contains 3 biosafety cabinets and a light cycler for nucleic acid isolation, purification, amplification and general PCR technology. In addition, a separate bacterial culture and analysis laboratory contains a bacterial culture incubator and independent centrifuges and electrophoresis gel boxes. These laboratories are thus equipped for dynamic evaluation of cells and tissues from the macroscopic and microscopic levels to molecular analysis of protein and gene expression.

BioMEMS and Microfabrication Laboratory (Zahn)

This laboratory integrates various engineering disciplines with biological and medical applications, creating a highly technical and thoroughly collaborative biomedical engineering environment. It maintains a microfabrication facility housed in BME building in a 1000square feet clean room with photolithography, PVD, and other equipment. 

Stem Cell Biology and Bioengineering Laboratory (Cai)

The laboratory is equipped for all surgical, histological, molecular recombinant DNA techniques, with dedicated microscope room for imaging analysis.

Gormley Lab: Bioinspired Nanomaterials

Research in the Gormley Lab ranges from fundamental studies in self-assembly of nanomaterials to translational nanomedicine in the areas of High-throughput Discovery of Nanobiomaterials, Nanomedicine, and Self-assembly. 

Nanomedicine and Molecular Systems Bioengineering Laboratory (Roth)

Led by Prof. Charles Roth, the lab utilizes engineering tools and paradigms to advance novel therapeutic approaches to challenging conditions. A major focus of the group is on development and applications of nanomedicine. Current work advances the development of nanostructured hydrogels for controlled drug release in wound settings and aerosolization of drug-containing nanoparticles for lung delivery to treat cystic fibrosis infections. We also integrate engineering modeling and design into our projects.

Pierce Group

Pierce Lab, led by Prof. Mark Pierce, develops optical imaging systems for diagnosis and management of cancer and other diseases.

Shinbrot Group

Prof. Troy Shinbrot is leading research in granular flow which deals with the development of an understanding for the many peculiarities particular to granular systems. Examples include analysis of analogues of classical fluid instabilities (e.g. Taylor-Couette or Kelvin-Helmholtz) in granular media, studies of mechanisms for segregation of dissimilar granular materials, and investigations into the spontaneous formation of both chaotic and regular patterns in granular flows. Current research topics include scrutiny of the causes of charging of granular materials in rapid collisional flows, and research into the underpinnings of geophysical structures.

Shreiber Group

Current research foci include the multi-scale analysis of CNS injury mechanics; biomaterial, tissue, and cellular engineering approaches for repair and restoration of neural functions; a biophysical analysis of traditional acupuncture; and the development of technology for electroporation that is grounded in electrohydrodynamic theory. Led by Prof. David Shreiber.

Other Facilities

BME maintains privileges at the Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience, which includes a microarrayer for gene chip analysis and a confocal microscope. In addition, privileges are maintained at the RWJMS Core Facility for nucleic acid synthesis and at EOSHI on the Rutgers campus, for high speed cell sorter and analysis.