Phone: | 848-445-6583 |
Fax: | 732-445-3753 |
Email: | |
Office: | BME-306 |
Office Hours: By appointment
Website: George K. Shoane
Professor George K. Shoane has published extensively (under the Cantonese phonetic spelling of his last name, Hung) in the areas of experimentation and modeling of the human accommodation and vergence systems, as well as the dynamic interactions between saccade and vergence. He developed a model of myopia (nearsighteness) development that has clarified a field which had been clouded in controversy over the past three decades. He is currently investigating the application of these models in the clinical environment with the aim of quantifying the remediation of clinical deficits. In addition, he was the first to investigate the dynamics of eye and head movements during golf’s putting stroke and has provided important quantitative insights into the effect of grip style on eye and head movements during the putting stroke. Finally, he has published a book titled Models of Oculomotor Control (World Scientific, 2001), and co-edited three books titled Models of the Visual System (World Scientific, 2002), Biomedical Engineering Principles in Sports (Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2004), and Biomedical Engineering Principles of the Bionic Man (World Scientific, 2010).
Biomedical Engineering
125:305 Numerical Modeling in Biomedical Systems (Undergrad)
125:355 Physiological Systems for Biomedical Engineers (Undergrad)
125:414 Vision Research and Instrumentation (Undergrad)
125:513 Vision Research and Instrumentation (Grad)
Electrical Engineering
332:221 Principles of Electrical Engineering Laboratory (Undergrad)
332:373 Elements of Electrical Engineering (Undergrad)
332:375 Elements of Electrical Engineering Laboratory (Undergrad)
125:525 Biocontrol, Modeling, and Computation in Physiological Systems (Grad)