Professor, Graduate Admissions Co-Director
Phone: | 848-445-6587 |
Fax: | 732-445-3753 |
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Office: | BME-311 |
Research Interests
Dr. Zahn’s research is focused on the development of microfabricated and microfluidic devices which can be used during clinical diagnosis, health management and treatment of disease, as well as supporting and monitoring microscale cell cultures. By employing basic microfabrication techniques we have developed a number of devices which can assist in neuroengineering. His research combines modeling, device design, fabrication, and testing in an adaptive and iterative process for device optimization. Dr. Zahn`s current research projects include: multiphase microfluidics and electrohydrodynamics for DNA Purification, the use of transverse electrokinetics for DNA concentration, the development of blood separation and blood plasma biomarker analysis microdevices. a microfluidic high throughput cell electroporation platform, topographically patterned multielectrode arrays supporting neuron/myocyte cocultures, multiwell cell culture chambers to support mini-neurociruitry models, and neuroprobes to minimize tissue damage and gliosis. His research has been supported by the ADA, NSF, New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research, the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation and NIH.
Selected Publications
1. Yang, S., A. Ündar and J.D. Zahn, 2006. A Microfluidic Device for continuous, real time blood plasma separation Lab on a Chip 6:871-880
2. Aran, K., A. Fok, L.A. Sasso, N. Kamdar, Y. Guan, Q. Sun, A Undar, and J.D. Zahn, 2011. Microfiltration Platform for Continuous Blood Plasma Protein Extraction from Whole Blood During Cardiac Surgery. Lab on a Chip. 11: 2858-2868.
3. Morales, M.C., H. Lin, and J.D. Zahn. 2012. Continuous microfluidic DNA and protein trapping and concentration by balancing transverse electrokinetic forces, Lab on a Chip, 12:99-108.
4. Sasso, L., I.H. Johnston, M. Zheng, R.K. Gupte, A. Ündar, and J.D. Zahn, 2012. Automated Microfluidic Processing Platform for Multiplexed Magnetic Bead Immunoassays Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. 13:603-612
5. Langhammer, C.G., M.K. Kutzing, V. Luo, J.D. Zahn, and B.L. Firestein, 2013. A Topographically Modified Substrate-Embedded MEA for Directed Myotube Formation at Electrode Contact Sites. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 41(2):408-420.
6. Ghodbane, M., A. Kulesa, H.H. Yu, T.J. Maguire, R.S. Schloss, R. Ramachandran, J.D. Zahn, and M.L. Yarmush, 2015. Development of a Low Volume, Highly Sensitive Microimmunoassay using Computational Fluid Dynamics Driven Multi-Objective Optimization. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18(2):199-214.
7. Lo, M.C., S. Wang, S. Singh, V.B. Damodaran, H.M. Kaplan, J. Kohn, D.I. Shreiber, and J.D. Zahn, 2015. Coating flexible probes with an ultra fast degrading polymer to aid in tissue insertion. Biomedical Microdevices DOI: 0.1007/s10544-015-9927-z