For the 11th year in a row, the graduate students in BME held a figure competition where BME faculty gave cash prizes to the top 3 figures. The figures consisted of creative scientific "images" that are fun to see and were voted on at our Annual Holiday Party on December 13th. Student winners are:
1st Place (left) - PhD student Paulina Krzyszczyk from Prof. Bethiaume's lab. "Dried, Cracked, Blood"
2nd Place (middle) - PhD student Yoliem Miranda Alarcón from Prof. Shreiber's lab. "A DAPI Wonderland", Myoblasts stained with DAPI and Phalloidin"
3rd Place (right) - Masters student Mary Pat Reiter from Prof. Freeman's lab. “488 Nanometers of Excitation” An acrylic study of a rat knee