BME Undergraduate students were winners at the School of Engineering Poster Research Symposium on Friday, April 23, 2010:
The most innovative poster award prize went to:
1. Elaine Yu was awarded for her work on "Detection of Tubule Formation in Breast Cancer Histopathology", Mentor: Prof. Anant Madabhushi
2. Malav Desai and Namrata Kulkarni on "Development of tissue engineered bone using Chitosan-Alginate films", Mentor: Prof. Noshir Langrana
The best presentation award went to:
3. Pratik Patel on "Image Registration for Improved Radiotherapy and Automated Detection of Prostate Cancer", Mentor: Prof. Anant Madabhushi
4. Nicole Ciulla, Marissa Berkowitz, Sara Anderias, Stephanie Yang on "Arterial Plaque Dome Model Exhibits Wall Vibrations", Mentor: Prof. Gary Drzewiecki
5. Sameer Sood (2nd place) on "Mechanical Analysis of Cell Contracted Collagen for Vascular Grafts", Mentor: Prof. David Shreiber