Yarmush Research Featured as Cover Article

Professor Martin Yarmush's research in the area of bionanorobotics is highlighted as a cover article in the November issue of the journal "IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology". The article entitled, "Biological Force Measurement in a Protein-Based Nanoactuator" describes the mechanical force exerted by a nanoactuator due to pH actuation from a statistical mechanics and free energy of conformational change viewpoint. The investigators used molecular dynamics techniques to show that the nanoactuator, based on the coiled-coil leucine zipper portion of a yeast transcriptional activator protein, can generate mechanical forces of the order of 20-40 pN upon pH modulation. The work is a collaboration with Professor Dinos Mavroidis of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Northeastern University, and was supported by grant from the NSF and NASA.