Professor Prabhas Moghe was 1 of 33 investigators to receive an Academic Excellence Fund Award - awards meant to support existing and emerging areas of excellence in the University. The $35,000 award will enhance the Multiphoton Microscopy facility and its studies on cell-biomaterials interactions.
March 2005
February 2005
February 2, 2005
Several core BME faculty were prominently featured at the first New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium (NJNC) Nanotechnology Conference, held at Lucent Technologies ( Professors Yves Chabal, Noshir Langrana, and David Shreiber presented their respective research programs, for which nano- and microfabrication was provided by the NJNC through support from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.
January 2005
January 10, 2005
Professor Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou has been elected to the position of IEEE Division X Delegate/Director for 2005-2006. The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is a non-profit, technical professional association of more than 360,000 individual members in approximately 175 countries. Dr. Micheli-Tzanakou has been involved with IEEE for over two decades and has served in many different roles, from student branch counselor to Neural Network Society President and IEEE Awards Board Chair.
December 2004
December 10, 2004
In the November issue of Nature Materials, Professor Joachim Kohn published a feature article describing his recent successes in designing new biomaterials using combinatorial schemes. With this novel technology, tailored products can be designed to satisfy the specific needs of each specific biomedical or prosthetic application.
November 2004
November 30, 2004
Chris Gaughan (CBE graduate student) and Gary Monteiro (BME graduate student) were awarded two-year fellowships from the New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research, which include full stipend and supply and travel allowances. Both Chris� (�Fabrication of tunable hydrogels for spinal cord regeneration�) and Gary�s (�3D microreactors for stem cell differentiation�) research projects aim to assist in the search for a cure for paralysis following spinal cord injury.
November 30, 2004
The New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research has awarded research grants to Professor Martin Yarmush and to Professor Noshir Langrana. Dr. Yarmush received a 2-year, $221,000 award for his project, �Microfabrication of a Bioreactor to Characterize Neuronal Stem Cell Differentiation�. BME faculty Rene Schloss and David Shreiber are co-investigators on the research team that includes collaborators from Harvard and Washington University.
November 20, 2004
The New Jersey Association for Biomedical Research honored 12 outstanding New Jersey women scientists from academia and industry at its �Thank You Research� Gala on November 18. The honorees included Profs. Kathryn Uhrich and Ann Stock, both BME program faculty.
November 20, 2004
Natasha Patel, a senior Biomedical Engineering student and member of the BME Honors Academy, was selected as one of three students to represent Rutgers at the International Undergraduate Research Symposium in Sao Paulo, Brazil the week of November 20, 2004.Natasha, who conducts research on the mechanisms of acupuncture with ProfessorsHelen Buettner and David Shreiber, was selected from a large pool of applicants on the basis of her research achievements and ability and willingness to act as an ambassador of Rutgers SOE.
November 1, 2004
Professor Dimitris Metaxas has been awarded a 3-year, $849,817 ITR grant from the NSF for a project entitled �Advances in Recognition and Interpretation of Human Motion�. The overall goal of the project is to advance state-of-the-art in the field of computer-based American Sign Language recognition.
October 2004
October 28, 2004
Ursula Wolf, our BME Graduate Program Secretary, was one of ten recipients (from nearly 60 nominations) of an Excellence in Service Award as part of the 2004 President�s Recognition Program at a reception this week. Ursula has supervised the recent dramatic growth of the department with professional accomplishment and ease, and consistently makes sure that our students are cared for and motivated when they need it most. Ursula professionally and efficiently keeps the progra