
April 2007

April 4, 2007
The Rutgers team comprising Scott Doyle, Anant Madabhushi, Michael D. Feldman(pathologist, UPENN) has been selected to participate in the finals of the BMEIdea competition ( for their work on developing a computer-aided diagnostic system for detection and staging of prostate cancer from digitized histology. Nationwide only 10 teams were chosen from several hundred to participate in the finals of this prestigious national biomedical engineering competition launched in 2004.

March 2007

March 26, 2007
At the 21st Annual Symposium of the Laboratory for Surface Modification, graduate student Daniel J. Haders, working with Professor Richard E.
March 26, 2007
BME graduate student Mike Wininger, an advisee of Professor Bill Craelius, was recently selected for the NSF's 2007 East Asian Pacific Summer Institute and awarded an internship for stem cell research at the National Taiwan University.
March 23, 2007
Professors Martin Yarmush and Zak Megeed (of Harvard Medical School) have been awarded a one-year Concept Award through the Ovarian Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense. This grant, totaling $131,250, will fund the development of targeted nanoparticles for the treatment of ovarian cancer.
March 21, 2007
Professor Dimitri Metaxas�s work on Homeland Security was featured in a Star Ledger article entitled, �Colleges leap into new field: Homeland security�. Professor Metaxas, in collaboration with investigators from biology, medicine, computer science and linguistics, are studying how subtle body movements -- the raising of an eyebrow, a shoulder shrug -- could signal deception.
March 14, 2007
New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research has awarded a one-year $159,500 grant to BME Professor John K-J. Li on a research project entitled, �Rapid Noninvasive Oxygen Monitoring in Cerebrospinal Injury�. The project will develop a system with fast electro-optical near-infrared device and evoked potential recording electrodes for noninvasive continuous assessment of oxygen metabolism and function in cerebrospinal injury and its treatment.
March 13, 2007
Professors Androulakis and Ierapetritou received a $50K Knowledge Build Award from ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company in recognition of their work on the Analysis, Reduction and Representation of Complex Reaction Networks.
March 9, 2007
Three groups of BME faculty recently won Academic Excellence Fund Awards - awards meant to support existing and emerging areas of excellence in the University. These include: 1) Professors Yves Chabal, Eric Garfunkel, Prabhas Moghe, Kathryn Uhrich, and Martin Yarmush for a new Nano-Interfacial Science and Engineering program; 2) Professors Prabhas V. Moghe, Charles M. Roth, and Kathryn E.
March 8, 2007
Professor Troy Shinbrot�s research questioning theories that water flowing through fractures on the surface mars might have created specific landmarks, was discussed. By sliding tiny glass beads down a table, Professor Shinbrot has been able to create similar structures here on earth. The terrestrial formations were built up by the static cling of the beads rubbing together.

February 2007

February 22, 2007
Professor Jeffrey D. Zahn was awarded $417,787 by the National Heart Lung Blood Institute for a R21 grant entitled �Microdevices for Measuring CPB Systemic Inflammation�. In collaboration with his Co-Investigator, Akif Undar from The Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Professor Zahn is designing and fabricating microdevices for blood plasma separation and analysis to study complex inflammatory responses during cardiac surgery especially when Cardiopulmonary Bypass is used.
