BME graduate students, Kevin Nikitczuk and Lavanya Peddada, were recently awarded graduate fellowships from the NSF IGERT �Engineered Biointerfaces�. Nikitczuk works under the direction of Professor Martin Yarmush, and Peddada works under the direction of Professor Charles Roth.
June 2006
June 21, 2006
Professors Joachim Kohn, Doyle Knight, and Martin Yarmush are invited speakers at the 1st Annual Conference on Methods in Bioengineering to be held at MIT, July 17 and 18, 2006. The conference will focus on the current state of the art in polymeric biomaterials, microfabrication technologies, and tissue engineering. For more information, please see
June 14, 2006
Professors Dimitris Metaxas and Monica Driscoll have been awarded an NIH grant for their R21 application entitled, Bio-computational Image Analysis to Define Objective Indicators of Healthspan.
June 13, 2006
Professor Anant Madabhushi has been awarded The Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Early Career Translational Research Award in BME for the proposal entitled "Automated Detection of Prostate Cancer from High Resolution MRI" in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania. As part of this 2 year $200,000 award, Professor Madabhushiwill develop computer-aided diagnosis methods for early detection of prostate cancer using 3 Tesla MRI.
June 12, 2006
Professor John K-J. Li was recently re-appointed Editor-in-chief of Cardiovascular Engineering, An International Journal. The Journal is published by Springer and is linked to the Biomedical Engineering Society Website, allowing complimentary online access by all BMES members.
June 6, 2006
Professor Martin Yarmush is an invited plenary speaker at a joint NSF-NIH workshop on �Engineering Approaches to Energy Balance and Obesity: Opportunities for Novel Collaborations and Research�. Professor Yarmush�s presentation is entitled, �Systems Approaches for Characterization of Metabolism: Metabolic Flux Analysis and the Living Cell Array�.
June 5, 2006
Professor Anant Madabhushi received an award from the Rutgers Technology Commercialization Fund. The award will support translation of patented research for improving the accuracy of prostate cancer biopsies using computer aided design and high resolution MRI. This is the fourth TCF award to BME faculty; other award recipients are Professors Sobin Kim, Kathryn Uhrich, and Martin Yarmush.
June 5, 2006
Professor Joachim Kohn has been appointed to serve on Apogee's Medical Advisory Board. Apogee Technology, Inc of Norwood, MA is an emerging micro-electrical mechanical systems and nanotechnology company that designs, develops and markets medical devices and sensors products.
June 2, 2006
June 02, 2006
Professors Prabhas Moghe and Kathryn Uhrich published exciting results in the June issue of the journal �Biomacromolecules� about the potential of nanotechnology to treat cardiovascular disease. The researchers propose using �nanoengineered lipoblockers� as a way to combat clogged arteries by attacking how bad cholesterol triggers inflammation and causes plaque buildup at specific blood vessel sites.
June 1, 2006
Professor Yves Chabal has been awarded a Two-Year Extension for Special Creativity on his current NSF grant entitled Surface Chemical Functionalization of Technologically Important Semiconductors. The $310,000 award is in recognition of Professor Chabal's recent creative accomplishments which are directly applicable to the development of semiconductor process chemistry, the understanding of new nanomaterials synthesis methods, and the development of biological sensors and devices.