BME juniors George Lee and Shivang Naik were awarded research grants by the Aresty Research Center for Undergraduates in recognition of their research activities. Shivang is exploring the utility of gland morphology in discriminating between different prostate cancer grades. George has been working on use of machine learning methods to distinguish between cancer and benign studies from high dimensional gene and protein expression studies.
February 2007
February 1, 2007
George Lee, a BME junior, had his first author, 12-page paper, �An Empirical Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Classifying Gene and Protein Expression Datasets�, accepted at the International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications to be held in Atlanta, GA in May 2007. This represents a significant achievement because only 39% of papers submitted to this symposium were accepted. George is advised by Professor Anant Madabhushi.
January 2007
January 17, 2007
Professors Helen Buettner, David Shreiber, and Peng Song (MAE) have been awarded a 2-year, $150,000 NIH grant for their project titled �Role of Connective Tissue Geometry in Acupuncture�. The team will develop an in vitro connective tissue equivalent system to study the role of intermuscular fascial planes in acupuncture.
January 17, 2007
Anant Madabhushi was awarded a $40K New Investigator Seed Fund grant from the Cancer Institute of New Jersey for his project entitled �Developing Quantitative Signatures for Characterizing Breast Lesions on MRI.� His work will have significant clinical implications in early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.
January 16, 2007
Anant Madabhushi is appointed a member of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey (CINJ). Established in 1991, The Cancer Institute of New Jersey is the only National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center in New Jersey and one of only 38 nationwide.
January 15, 2007
Satish Vishwanath, Pallavi Tiwari and Jon Chappelow have been short listed for the finals of national level competition, on their project "Computer-aided diagnosis of Prostate Cancer via MRI and MRS" at BMEIdea Design competition They will now compete with 9 other finalists in this unique competition that judges rank entries on all aspects of biomedical commercialization, from product innovation to market need, and from regulatory strategies to social impact.
December 2006
December 22, 2006
Professors Gyan Bhanot and Larry Shepp will be inducted as fellows of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering at its annual meeting in February 2007. This brings the number of Rutgers BME program faculty who are AIMBE fellows to 25, and places Rutgers in the top ten of all universities with AIMBE fellows.
December 18, 2006
Eric Yang (BME graduate student) was recently awarded a Laurance M. and Dorothy L. Leeds Fellowship/Scholarship for the 2006 academic year.
December 12, 2006
Professor Anant Madabhushi has been appointed as an Associate Editor of the scientific journal Medical Physics. Medical Physics is the scientific journal of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and is one of the premier journals devoted to publishing original scientific articles in all areas of medical imaging, image analysis, radiation physics, physics of radiology, and computer-aided diagnosis.
December 4, 2006
New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research has awarded a two-year grant to Professor Noshir Langrana on a research project entitled, �Bifunctional DNA hydrogel to promote spinal cord regeneration� in the amount $321,439. The members of his research team include Professors David Shreiber, Bonnie Firestein, Rene Schloss and Bernard Yurke.