
November 2006

November 17, 2006
A team of scientists including Professor Gyan Bhanot won the 2006 Supercomputing Gordon Bell award in the category of �Special accomplishment for innovation in scalable implementation�. This work involved the creation of a very fast computer code to simulate Quantum Chromodynamics in a highly scalable way on the Blue Gene Supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore Labs.
November 15, 2006
Professor Martin Yarmush�s work on a �Living Cell Array�, a microfluidic device that allows the study of real time gene expression in living cells, was featured in Chemical Biology. Chemical Biology is a news magazine which draws together coverage from all Royal Society of Chemistry publications, providing a snapshot of the latest developments in chemical biology. The full paper describing this innovative work was published in Lab on a Chip.
November 14, 2006
New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology Post Doctoral Fellowships were awarded to Michelle Burley to work with Germgard Lighting in Dover, NJ, and to Jason Maikos to work with Linguaflex, Inc in Newark, NJ. Michelle is advised by ProfessorCharlie Roth, and Jason is advised by Professor David Shreiber. The fellowships are designed to keep NJ's best and brightest graduates working in NJ.
November 14, 2006
The New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology awarded Linguaflex, Inc and Rutgers BME a $500,000 Entrepreneurial Partnership Award to develop Linguaflex's technology for treating sleep apnea. The awards are intended to stimulate academic interactions with NJ start-up companies. The effort at Rutgers is led by Professor David Shreiber.

October 2006

October 19, 2006
Professor Adrian Mann has been appointed to the position of Associate Editor, Biomaterials for the Journal of Materials Research (JMR). JMR is one of the premier archival journals devoted to original materials science research, addressing more than 150 different topics on materials synthesis, materials processing, microstructure and properties.
October 8, 2006
Professor Bernard Coleman has been selected to receive the 2007 SES Medal in recognition of his seminal work in the field of engineering science. The award will be presented during the 44th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October 21-24, 2007, at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

September 2006

September 29, 2006
Professors Sobin Kim and Li Cai have been awarded an NIH R03 grant from the National Cancer institute for their project entitled, �Analysis of Gene Expression Changes in Breast Cancer using MALDI-TOF MS�. This two year grant, totaling $147,543, will be directed to develop a system to rapidly recognize gene expression patterns in breast cancer tissues.
September 25, 2006
Professor Martin Yarmush has been awarded a 1-year NIH Career Enhancement Award for Stem Cell Research. This award, totaling $186,781 is meant to provide investigators with the necessary resources that will enable them to take full advantage of stem cells in their research.
September 3, 2006
At the 28th IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference held in New York City, August 30-September 3, 2006, several BME professors (John K-J. Li, Anant Madabhushi and Dimitris Metaxas) chaired tracks and sessions in a variety of areas including: cardiovascular and respiratory systems, image-guided surgery, and BME student activities.

August 2006

August 17, 2006
Professor Gyan Bhanot, who comes to us from IBM and the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, is an expert in bioinformatics and systems biology, and will join the department on September 1st. Professor Jeffery Zahn, who hails from Penn State, is an expert in microfabrication and microfluidics, and will join BME in January 2007.
