Two students supervised by Professor Martin Yarmush have been awarded graduate fellowships from the New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research. Nripen Sharmahas been awarded a 2-year, $60,000 graduate fellowship for his project, entitled, Metabolic Engineering of Stem Cell Differentiation into Oligodendrocytes. Lulu Li has been awarded a 1-year, $30,000 graduate fellowship for her project entitled, Tunable Electrostatic Pulses to Modulate Stem Cell Differentiation into Neuronal Lineage Cells.
June 2006
May 2006
May 30, 2006
Professor John Li was recently re-elected Chair of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) Chapter of IEEE's Princeton/Central Jersey Section. The EMB section is a leading authority in biomedical engineering and technology and has close interaction with NJ biomedical industry.
May 26, 2006
May 26, 2006
Rutgers BME Professor John K-J. Li with UMDNJ cardiologist Kenneth Khaw are inventors of a patent recently awarded by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The Temporary Blood Circulation Assist Device is an axial flow blood circulation device with an inflatable impeller. It can improve blood flow and reduce workload of the failing heart, as well as improve blood circulation to other parts of the body, such as the brain during stroke.
May 3, 2006
Yoav Biton, a student advised by Prof. Bernard Coleman is the winner of the Dr. Stanley and Francine Mandeles Graduate Research Award at Rutgers. Yoav's work involves the development of methods of calculating equilibrium configurations of DNA and studying the effects of salt on these equilibrium configurations.
April 2006
April 28, 2006
The Rutgers Board of Trustees recently announced that Professor Yves Chabal was selected to receive the 2005-2006 Excellence in Research Award. This award is the university's highest honor for outstanding research contributions to a discipline or to society.
April 28, 2006
The New Jersey Center for Biomaterials has announced summer research awards to Prof.William Craelius's student Michael Wininger, Prof. Dave Shreiber's student Gary Monteiro, and Prof. Prabhas Moghe's student Er Liu.
April 19, 2006
Charles Florek, NSF BME-IGERT graduate fellow in Biointerfaces was awarded first prize for his talk Anti-Adhesion Device for Neurosurgery: Proof of Concept as a Barrier Device, at the W.L. Gore BME Partnership Meeting held in February. W. L. Gore holds this meeting annually to develop relationships with prominent Biomedical Engineering programs throughout the United States.
April 17, 2006
Tim Maguire, Rene Schloss, and Professor Martin Yarmush received a $20,000 award from the Rutgers Technology Commercialization Fund. The award will support translation of patented research involving the use of alginate encapsulation as a means to control hepatic differentiation of stem cells.
April 4, 2006
Profs. Joachim Kohn and Doyle Knight are the recipients of an Academic Excellence Fund award for their research on the Infrastructure for Biomaterials Informatics. The purpose of this research is to help extend the predictive power of computational models which describe the bioresponse to biomaterials.
April 3, 2006
Professsor Bill Craelius presented recent results of his internationally recognized bionic hand at a symposium on the $6 Billion (Hu)man, sponsored by the American Association at Experimental Biology, held in San Francisco. Craelius bionic hand uses existing nerve pathways to control individual computer-driven mechanical fingers.