
October 2010

October 15, 2010
Dr. Madabhushi has joined the editorial board to the International journal "Analytical Cellular Pathology". The focus of this journal is on the burgeoning applications of physical techniques to the study of cells, tissues, and organs in diseases to elucidate pathogenesis and further translational research.
October 8, 2010
Nir I. Nativ, a BME graduate student and NSF Stem Cell IGERT fellow, won first place in the poster competition at the 4th Annual New Jersey Stem Cell Research Symposium on September 29, 2010 and was awarded first place in the poster competition. Nir's poster was entitled "Exploring the HIF1a Pathway to Improve Engraftment of b Cells Derived from Embryonic Stem Cells in Type I Diabetes Mellitus Patients". Nir is a graduate student in the laboratory of Professor Martin Yarmush.

September 2010

September 30, 2010
BME Research Associate Nripen Sharma has been recently appointed to the Editorial Board of a new journal "Stem Cell Studies". Stem Cell Studies is a new, peer-reviewed, Open Access, online-only journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of the study of stem cells and their potential therapeutic applications. Link to the journal website here: Nripen is in Professor Yarmush's laboratory.
September 24, 2010
BME MD/PhD student Shannon Agner's research on computer-aided detection and diagnosis of breast cancer through MRI's was featured on the Rutgers' homepage this week. Shannon works under Professor Anant Madabhushi in the Rutgers' Laboratory for Computational Imaging and Bioinformatics.
September 22, 2010
Congratulations to Rutgers BME Junior Alson Wu who has been awarded a $500 Research Grant from the Aresty Research Center for Undergraduates for his project entitled "Roles of Dbx1CR5 in Regulating Dbx1 in Mouse Neural Development". Alson is currently advised by Professor Li Cai and BME graduate student Ying Li.
September 16, 2010
BME graduate student Jeremy Scheff received a competitive travel award by the CAST Division of the AIChE to cover his travel expenses to the annual meeting. Jeremy was recognized for his work on using systems tools to model the autonomic dysfunction in human endotoxemia. His contributions will be recognized during the AIChE National meeting at the formal CAST awards dinner in Salt Lake City in November 10, 2010. Jeremy is pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Androulakis.
September 14, 2010
Professor Charles Roth and collaborators at Daemen College and the U.S.
September 9, 2010
Satish Viswanath, LCIB, BME graduate student has been invited to participate in a panel focusing on imaging trends in industry/research. Each panel member will speak for 5-6 minutes on their specialty, followed by a discussion between panel members and audience. The panel is being organized as part of the MidAtlantic Imaging Symposium, by the New Jersey Technology Council. Satish is mentored by Professor Madabhushi.
September 9, 2010
Rachel Sparks, a 4th year LCIB, BME graduate student has been awarded a competitive $500 travel grant from the MICCAI society. Rachel will be using the award to offset travel costs for her visit to Beijing, China in September 2010, where she will be presenting her paper entitled "Novel Morphometric Based Classification via Diffeomorphic Based Shape Representation usingManifold Learning". Rachel is mentored by Professor Madabhushi.

August 2010

August 30, 2010
Professor Martin Yarmush has been appointed Editor-in-Chief for Medical Sciences of a new international journal entitled, NanoLIFE. The journal addresses critical issues in nanoscience and nanomedicine that impact both the scientific community and the general public. NanoLIFE aims to reach researchers in a broad spectrum disciplines including materials, chemical, biological and medical sciences, and engineering.
